Control classes


The following predefined control classes can be specified in the lpClassName parameter:

BUTTON Designates a small rectangular child window that represents a button the user can click to turn it on or off. Button controls can be used alone or in groups, and they can either be labeled or appear without text. Button controls typically change appearance when the user clicks them.
COMBOBOX Designates a control consisting of a list box and a selection field similar to an edit control. When using this style, an application should either display the list box at all times or enable a drop-down list box.
Depending on the style of the combo box, the user can or cannot edit the contents of the selection field. If the list box is visible, typing characters into the selection field highlights the first list box entry that matches the characters typed. Conversely, selecting an item in the list box displays the selected text in the selection field.
EDIT Designates a rectangular child window into which the user can type text from the keyboard. The user selects the control and gives it the keyboard focus by clicking it or moving to it by pressing the TAB key. The user can type text when the edit control displays a flashing caret; use the mouse to move the cursor, select characters to be replaced, or position the cursor for inserting characters; or use the BACKSPACE key to delete characters.
Edit controls use the variable-pitch system font and display characters from the ANSI character set. The WM_SETFONT message can also be sent to the edit control to change the default font. Edit controls expand tab characters into as many space characters as are required to move the caret to the next tab stop. Tab stops are assumed to be at every eighth character position.
LISTBOX Designates a list of character strings. Specify this control whenever an application must present a list of names, such as filenames, from which the user can choose. The user can select a string by clicking it. A selected string is highlighted, and a notification message is passed to the parent window. Use a vertical or horizontal scroll bar with a list box to scroll lists that are too long for the control window. The list box automatically hides or shows the scroll bar, as needed.
SCROLLBAR Designates a rectangle that contains a scroll box and has direction arrows at both ends. The scroll bar sends a notification message to its parent window whenever the user clicks the control. The parent window is responsible for updating the position of the scroll box, if necessary. Scroll bar controls have the same appearance and function as scroll bars used in ordinary windows. Unlike scroll bars, however, scroll bar controls can be positioned anywhere in a window for use whenever scrolling input is needed for a window. The scroll bar class also includes size box controls. A size box is a small rectangle the user can expand to change the size of the window.
STATIC Designates a simple text field, box, or rectangle used to label, box, or separate other controls. Static controls take no input and provide no output.